Tuesday, August 19, 2008
*pray for me~
the officer : ''dayang...apa ni?chloe?''
wtf...apa ni?ahahha....
anyway....going to temburong on friday...sigh....watched wall.e...was sooooooo cute...
meeting quan on thrusday...
the day of i die....tomorrowwwwww....shit...school reopening...sigh...screwed....
Sunday, August 17, 2008
*should it be?~
im back to discuss something concerning my feelings [ wakao this girl always talk bout herself de ] ah yo..dont think like that la..ahaha...
well...ok...i wana know the opinion of uu guys/girls...uu know wat i mean la...ahaha...
should girls make the first move in a relationship or before they move into a relationship...i have never seriously thought of this before..because i'm pretty much the one who is more forward'?' but since i have been to isb i have a few friends that wont made the moves first because they dont want to look desperate [ no offense ] but does it really make a difference?
i have read in some books that well if uu dont make the first move and uu play hard to get ...guys will want uu more..i dont know about that...but it is true?or does it all depend on the personalities of some people...
does it mean the guy cares about uu more if he makes the first move? and there''s the phrase''ladies first''~ soooooo confusing...well yes i know there are times the phrase cannot be used but is there?
so what does making the first move mean actually?that we are desperate?that we want to feel more wanted than we want them?
i am sooooooooo crazy now.....emo...ahaha...oh well...trying to figure this thing out...
i dont mean uu...i just uu know..suddenly...
Saturday, August 16, 2008
the guy was 谢坤山...he's a taiwanese guy [ just like my mum ] but he lost both of his arms, his right leg and his right foot's toes in an accident that happened when he was 16...his family was poor at the time so he didnt finish his studies and got a job....not office job lagi...is rough work lo..anyway...his parts got electricuted [ dono how to spell ] and had to be abputated [ cut off? ]
after he got better..he went to learn art from his school teacher...and now his art work is the bomb...ahaha...will upload some of his work soon...he was so funny...he even went to KACA [ an institute? for disable children ] he told children not to give up when all seemed lost...he lost almost everything...well he did lose his arms , a leg and his toes...which is pretty much everything we need rite? and he didnt look at his loses as a diadvantage but instead he looked at it as a source of motivation...he said that no one can give up on him because he doesnt give up on himself...
and i went to shah yesterday with aMeliaa...shim...jacob...and aiman....i think this is the season of hair cuts...amelia got a major hair cut...aiman got a very cloudy hair cut...qidahh got a hair cut...ahahah....quite a lot o people are getting hair cuts....why ah?aahah
and tomorrow we [ mostly isb-ians ] will be going out yo~ ahaha...think i'll go ah wen there a while ahahha....
shit man...school is gonna start soon...like screwed ok...aaha..oh well....gotta start preparing for temburong as well...damn....3 days without Quan<3 le..hmmm but 3days with amelia...wuahah...damn i have turned bisexual man...ahaha...amelia [ my lesbo partner at isb ] , angel [ uu will know in the next post ] , ahbong [ my first wife ok ] ..ahaha...seriously yo...ahaaha...s
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
i failed my law so what...
i just feel reali f u c k e d up....i dont know what to do....this is just not my month....
adding to things is when we get back to school we have to do our EE...which i do not like... and my holiday homeworks consist of mandarin, english, biology, art, maths and business IA...well 6 subjects and all of them have homework.....not including my cas....which isnt going very well....then we [ bio students ] will be heading to temburong for a couple of days...sigh...just great a nother play back of KK...this time i will bring a lot of torchlights and mayb will bring a ''fu'' since yea...nothing..
like wtf man...if i have known IB would be like this...i would have gone to MD.... but its too late...so i have to work like a slave to get thru it....
i cant sleep....just thinking of my parents makes me have a headache...argh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i really need uu<3
Monday, August 11, 2008
*s h i t t y~
emo ok...sigh....just got back back from lynnLynn's place..we did some singing then we watched GossipGirl...gonna get some episode from amelia [ my lesbo gf ] who is making a decision of her life tomorrow...believe me its a big, huge, enormous, gigantic thing...
and before lynnynn's place...we went to RTB to watch the singing competition...which was better than i expected...haha...
well.. yan yan [ harn harn's cousin ] took 1st place while another lady took 2nd and jenHao from MD got 3rd..wtf man...he sang really well...me and lynnLynn were suprised when they announced he got 3rd...
Winnie, ahWhai, MeiJuan, Jia and Jayden were working there...well jayDen was the photographer , jia was the lady who stick the stickers and the 3 gals were ushers...ahah...i saw sHim there also...yea....
i am feeling very emo right now so no pictures today...maybe tomorrow...oh yea...i failed my stupi law test...like wtf man...i was so sad about it when bong told me...i wanted to cry man,...but i couldnt because i was having dinner with my family...i felt really disappointed..hmm..i feel so stupid...feeling sad over a test but still my dad had hopes i will pass on my first try...and i let him down...m mum seemed really disappointed...oh well...
i need uu...<3
Saturday, August 9, 2008
*life is hard~
we have to face the things we dont want to face..and time is not on our side...we cant have more time to enjoy it or more time to think about it...we have a limited time...
sometimes we might not want to accept the truth that has been thrust into our faces but we must accept it and try to move on..even if it takes time...take as long as uu need...and once uu have felt the uu have overcome the feelings uu feel...move on.....
i have seen my friends and loved ones gone thru a lot of things either in studies, life or love...i have seen many...and i have felt helplessness because i can do nothing but try to help them in making choices, getting over things that happen or even moving on...but the only thing i always can do is just be there for them...
i myself have also gone thru these things and know the pain of some that go thru this as well...but even though this things happen and are inevitable...uu will always have friends, family and love ones who are there for uu, who will help uu get thru them all and comfort uu..well like i said...i can only be there for uu...and sometimes maybe my comforting is useless...my help in decision making is useless....i'll always be there for uu all my friends, family and love one...
because time is short...we might not have enough time to spend with each other...to gossip about stuff, to go to mall watch movies and play in arcade anymore...after a few months or years...more and more people will be leaving brunei and going overseas to study, work and live....so cherish the time uu have....
angel, lynnLynn, yanPing, ahWen, jennyBong, ernny, AhPing, zhuJhyHaouu, harn Harn, Leong, winnie, ahWhai, XiaoYen, PeiLing, MeiJuan, PinJia, Judy, Susan, Grace, JaneChing, Karen, peiTeng, huiZhen, qiLah, anna, emma, Vicky, ChaiEng, tenFang, Wendy, pengChin, cheryl, Carmen, CHeowWei, suKi, HuiChian, crystal, chiaYuin, cheaWen, yiiSian, DanielNeo, tungLik, Sengwei, SOtong, ahHau, Engkee, aleX, John, M.haFiz, A.K.hafiz, cheeWoo, Wenjiunn, kuokYew, Jefri, Jeremy, weNLee, blithe, soonhau, kokKiong, Ahmak, ahLiau, freddie, puiKing, hengHUat, alan, synYeow, wayne, ah Siang, edwina.
amelia, qiidah, jenniferr, najii, vivian, rauhdah, sandra, see kyeong, khushboo, natasha, christina, elaine, dian, adam, akmal, adib, isa, aiman, fauzay, alexis, dinesh, marcus, shim, ken, nasim, rajeev, ranjit, nick, roslee, jeff, ehsan, danny, chris s, chris k, ayeshah, fareed, mark, sho.
chongchong, rhenda, yung,ah nan, choiyee,weiMing, chuiibing, sylvia, wanZhen, ziYin, lily, chinVoon, leemeng, yen, denis, weihong, wenChai, ahBoy, Hamster, Neo, haShiong, Yihern, kamsan, biiSoon, nick, xuan, richard, shirley, sinnee, renJie, nien.
these are all the names of the people whom were and are in school with me...the same school i mean...if i have forgotten uur name or wrote it wrongly pls tel me...and there are still a lot of people's name i need to mention but not now...because the old brain can only think of so many names now....excuse me...i thought of all of them ok...headache le...
i just want to let every single of uu know that i love uu guys...even if uur names are not in there..i love uu guys....we have been thru so many things together...school life....studies....gatherings...basketball tournies...track and fields tournies....parties...birthdays...quarrels and fights...so no matter where uu guys go...must always remember us....cause even tho we wont have those memories replayed but they are still our memories and i'll cherish all of them...
this is a rather emo post but uu know...if uu wana critise it...dont....just keep quiet...
thought i forgotten about uu didnt uu?blehx i love uu the most ok? blehs even tho we quarrel but i still love uu so much...i still get tingles when im with uu...Quan...<3
short post for today will blog tmr...
WTF HOw can uu do this?
Thursday, August 7, 2008
*uu dont even know how special uu r~
today's lesson was ok..the engine died like 2 times today...improvement excuse me!!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
*2nd post?~
http://www.youtube.com/user/kevjumba?ob=4 this is his link......he is a chinese guy in usa... and he talks bout lots of stuff but mostly he's funnyy...ahaha......
oh one more..http://www.youtube.com/user/HappySlip?ob=1...she's happy slip...she's like kevjumba...aahaha....she's alsoo very funnyy....check it out yoo,..
andddddd i cut my hair.liao..short excuse me...like judy short...ahhaah....
no la...im joking...ahaha...had uu thinking didnt i? ahahahhahahahahaha....
as many of my x chms classmates know like ernny[ cause the dude sat with me for like 2 years? ahaha *ERNNY i just thought of our old inside joke =D] for instance...uu guys should know that when i cut my hair the next time uu see me there wont be a difference not until i tell uu i cut my hair...ahaha..confusing no?..because i always cut my hair the same style...ahaha...uu can say that is my trademark??? i dont know..ahaha....i guess its just my suitable hair...sigh......or uu guys wana give me suggestion on hairstyles..ahaha...
(walao that's all?very bored lo this girl!!!) ahah...uu guys might be thinking this...ahaha...ahahahahahhaha......i dont care!!!! i just thought bout it baaaa....
*laziness strikes~
the pictures were taken during the last few weeks...ahaha..
very syiiok lo...see the scores...#12 scored the 12th point and #15 scored the 15th point....fate o not? ^^
this cute lil girl was in front of us [ me , jia , ahDar , ahLiang ]
so damn cute~she tried to take my phone away..ahaha...and we tried to convince her to support Tumasek...but she said ''wuu'' which is something like tumasek~
haha....that day my dadi drove a transit to get me to driving lessons and this was the road tax thingii...it's 11 and purple...hope when i get my car oso can like this de loooo~ *pray*
this is AhPuen~fishny~ ahah...she will be flying off to meow meow town tmr nites...i have spent most of my holidays at comic hse cos of her...seriously this girl is nuts...im serious...
she is so crazi that when i went out with her i bought this bag...no la...not her fault la...she also bought one...ahha...sooooooo purdyy~~ and at $25 lo...we bought it at a booth at mall...hurry ey...discount le...they have a shop in the mall but its $29.90 lo...very worth...excuse me can uu not see the cuteness of this/my bag..hehee...comes with a cute teddy as well~
and this is me ahQuan's sis and ahQuan!
his sis has gone to KL lo..aahha...wish her all the best yo~
us watching bball
at the mall..
and this is numerous and yet cute things i made out of blue tack....ahaha...
a rose??
oo~interruption...ahaha....went out with amelia who is going thru a hell of a holiday...she also has a mople [ inside joke ^^ ]
a preztel~looks yummy...
i shall end my post with this..
and this..vain jua bee...ahaha...ahem...welcome to chloe's training camp...location : my hse...ahaha...wana get buff?look below for results...ahaha...wooooots