Tuesday, August 5, 2008

*2nd post?~

whaha....i know very nan de i will blog 2 times a day...ahaha but i just had too..eehehe...im watching kevjumba on youtube which is like freaking funny and cute!!!!! haha.....

http://www.youtube.com/user/kevjumba?ob=4 this is his link......he is a chinese guy in usa... and he talks bout lots of stuff but mostly he's funnyy...ahaha......

oh one more..http://www.youtube.com/user/HappySlip?ob=1...she's happy slip...she's like kevjumba...aahaha....she's alsoo very funnyy....check it out yoo,..

andddddd i cut my hair.liao..short excuse me...like judy short...ahhaah....
no la...im joking...ahaha...had uu thinking didnt i? ahahahhahahahahaha....

as many of my x chms classmates know like ernny[ cause the dude sat with me for like 2 years? ahaha *ERNNY i just thought of our old inside joke =D] for instance...uu guys should know that when i cut my hair the next time uu see me there wont be a difference not until i tell uu i cut my hair...ahaha..confusing no?..because i always cut my hair the same style...ahaha...uu can say that is my trademark??? i dont know..ahaha....i guess its just my suitable hair...sigh......or uu guys wana give me suggestion on hairstyles..ahaha...

(walao that's all?very bored lo this girl!!!) ahah...uu guys might be thinking this...ahaha...ahahahahahhaha......i dont care!!!! i just thought bout it baaaa....

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