What Chloe Means
You are very open.
haha...that's about all the xciting things that have been happening and i have yet to start on my work,...very productive ey? but i will start soon hehehe..tmr will have my final lawlesson and sat will have driving lessons again and tmr will be the girls playing for the semi finall?? i think...hehe..well i will post up some pictures when i get some....ahhah
welll as i have mentioned i will be going to chms for dance performance...ehhe...go for it angelll yo...hehehe...blehs....
miss uu soo much..~
me and jhyhaouu...wuahhaa...fundonutttttt~hehehe..
ameliaaaaaa me and qiiiidah...
lynn lynn haouu haouu angel angel chloe chloe...
ahem~moving on to the pressiesssssssssss
winnie's...so cuteeee....love that girl...hehe..
the things in side the can...and there was a pair of earrings...but winnie dear...i dont have piercing lo...cannot wear...hehe...
sho's...haha...cute kitty mirror...
angel &lynn lynn's///wuahahha...ggrad?hehe...cute cupp...
lyeos & mohin & yan lee's...haha....very random...hehe...usefull eyy
bong & wen's....haha...arent 2 of them sweet?protectionn wad...wuahha....
welll the two pictures above is when the 4 of us [me.lynn.winnie.jia] when for a ride in lynn's car...but well we were driving...ahaha...was awesome...buttttttt jia almost gave us a heart attack...haha...
adam and mr powelll....[criteriaaaa~~]