Friday, June 27, 2008
*sorry ey~ yea...first off..........cas handed lit handed in...tok handed in....MATH IA handed in...interview done....OMFG...ahaha...i feel awesome...haha...well not powell is leaving us...hmm....correction left us...last friday actually we had our last assembly in isb....a number of teachers are leaving school...but none of them teach me...
mr powell is our ib coordinator...i know i just started ib in jan and all so im not reali that close with himm...but he's reali funny always going around poking people making them look and then walks away...welll.....MR KEITH " CRITERIA" POWELL this post is dedicated to uu...even tho he doesnt read my blog...but still...he was the person who interviewed me for ib man...he was always helping us making us laugh when we're down[ we werent down often but still...] and then when Nick[our student council president] kinda gave a speech and we gave him a football jersey which we all signed...Nick almost cried which made me teary man...i was on the verge of crying but i kinda held it in...and after the assembly we all gave him huggys and then a big group huggy and group photo by Fauzay then by Jon Ooiii...hahah....GONNA MISS UU MR POWELL...
well and vivan has volunteered to do a performance for a children development center where they are gonna celebrate the july kids' bd...soooo...yea trying to learnt the moves from video..shit man..[ angel now i know how uu feel when uu learn from videos T.T ] haha...and we performed for them yesterday which was awesome..but the kids were more interrested in the balloons than us it was me, vivian, qiidah, chin[ms tracy's daughter]...we did dancing which went tracy, alexis and ms tracy's lil daughter did tkd..annnnnnd shim sang...hahah...a malay song at that...was super..hahha...
aww man i talked so much..ahah...lazi la...i just putt up pix to show agag agag wat i do la...hahah.butttt....pix uploader being biTchyy..
so i talk somemore la...hehe...well i celebrated my bd on sat which was awesome...ahhaha....will post a real post on my birthday someother went well lo...thennnn sunday we a.k.a me, wen,haouu and ping went to dynasty for some breakfast...we ate like 40+ dollars but paid 18+....wuahahha....all thanks to ping man...ahha....after that we except haouu went to comic hse to talk talk play play...hehhe...which was ok lo... realllll birthday...ahha....i will blog bout it l8r...ehhe..... excitedd?wuahha...apa kan....anyway... til here i gues....see uu all...and sorii for not blogging man....-.- shoooo is flying off to JAPAN...haha,,,,damn sdint get a chance to discuss bout souveniers... anyway...
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Monday, June 9, 2008
*pic post?~
^^chloee...pic of beach tmr!~
Monday, June 2, 2008
Sunday, June 1, 2008
*wht i want for my bd~
9.15pm 6/1/2008
Sho says: SHIT
Sho says: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chloe says: what?ey?
shooooo tarooo...uu b-day is like 29 days away yoooo....wuhhha....apparently sho thought my b-day ws yeterday...wuhahaha
ok ok picturessss.. of the mouse i's like winnie and ping one...but its pink and gold......wuhahhaha....lawaaa

*dedicated to my maid~
i want to thank her so much is like me saviour for numerous is a lose my things i ask her and she knows where they are...omg...i know rite...apa yea...hehe....
so have a nice and safe trip back...*her backs were damn heavy man...*

jane and zhii svenson kl..miss uu jane...
yii sian and chee woo...wuahaha.....during our picture taking...ahaha....
do not ask me what were they empire lagi...woots...enjoy jua...oh ya...its alex and sotong
jefri...always doing the funniest stufff...wuahaha...lamp head...
old picture neh...we were doing W to represent ah harajuku....
tung lik and chuan ho....ahaha.....i do not know why tung lik did that...after f5a's performance...
Wendy Chloe Jenny in our grad shirts...wuahhaa.....
harn harnnnnn...miss her miri oso..wuahahah....her old hair... sg...hehe....miss her tooo yoo...guys close uur mouths droolingover the place...leng luii le...
harnn...her new hair...during graduation ceremony man,...we did not cold hearted.....
jhyhaouu and ping after*** wuahahahha.....................
wuahhaha....Emma Winnie Ana banana....wuhahaha....the wind so strong.notice their hair...wuahaha...
''ey uu here?''''take pic.''
soooooo wronggggggg........wuahhaha....notice their facial jhy haou's bed somemore..
wuahah...PeiLing Ping Daniel Sotong Hau
susan and ernny ...a lil part of daniel..wuahaha...
ahWhaiiiiiii....wuahaha....long time no see this gal,..
''turn here not there''''ey?sure?''
andddddd finale pictures....i hope ths two people will not read my blog and find out bout this...wuahahahaha...............shhhhhh~
29 days to goooooo~