omggg so long already i haven we went to the beach...hehe....wait...lets tlak bout the past the past week we finished our exams..thursday i stil went to sch to accompany amelia for her malay exam because shee accompanied me for my mandarin exams...ahha..friday i got back my business i got a 3 out of 7 which was stil a fail but i predicted 0 to 1 so i was quite happy about it..after sch i dint go to friday kids...i went home took a shower and went to Qlap to meet ahQuan for KUNG FU PANDA [omg we laughed our asses off man] it was sooo funy yo..hehe...
::someday uu will hav ears like mine::
wuahhaha...funny ah...i am going to buy the dvd and keep it in my room forever yo...hehe..
at nite i went to meet up with these ppl and did a lot of funny stuff man....wuahaha....evertime go out with them sure have good show to watch belowww..
anyway...saturdayi stayed at home and became a piggy ...saturday i went out to ahWen there..with ernny[WHO IS LEAVIN ON THURSDAY/FRIDAY] argh...shit man...everyone is leaving brunei man... susan at sg too..jane, yii sian and rain kee jam at kl yo.. ping, seng wei, sotong and a whole lot of ppl at miri...jefri, soon hao and wen li at australia...wuahhaha...shit uu ppl all la...if chms ever ever has reunion uu ppl better bring uur asses back to brunei man... if not i bunuh uu guys man....wuahhaha....angel ,lynnnLynn, lyeos, ahWen ,ahBong, jhyHaouu and wenLeong them still in bru goooood..hehehe....but soon some of them oso leaving loo...TT.TT..sooo emo man this post...hehe...anyway...and we went out hahha to weststreet lim teh then go arcade again.....hahha...we have been going to arcade for soo many times this week yooo....we played the drums which are veryyyy fun man...hehe.... and today monday we went to serasa yacht club...not for fun good mehs....ahaha....we went there do to our group 4 project which consist 1 or 2 students from each science team mates are qiidah, fauzay, adib, alexiss, khushboo, danny and tallllllll very tallll chris....wuahhaha...and again pictures below yo... after beach we went bakk to sch to discuss our stuff in the DT room...we kinda did our work then we started to take pictures [below] ahhaha...then like that lo..nothing much...
my world lit , cas and tok essay is due man...ahaha,...and exam paper will be given bak this week o next week man...shit...ahahah
^^chloee...pic of beach tmr!~
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