hi dudes and dudettes...dont ask...anyway..so it's been sooo long since my last post...oh well..hehe...nothing much has been happening..
i went to temburong with my bio class which was pretty fun...we saw/heard all kinds of animals..we saw a cute red snail..the food was good..we lived in a cabin[?] which was ok...girls on the top floor guys on the bottom floor...so eaerly in the morning we as in the girls were the guys' alarm clocks...we and i mean i was stomping around just to annoy them..who knew the floor boards were so thin...oh well..hehe...
i really wanted to have a picture post but i cant be bothered..tmd what if someone says i gotten fatter..sigh..
well last saturday we went to our L.A.C.E's angel's 18th birthday party..hehe...at ilotus...the party was awesome..but only a number of people actually came in punky styles.. i will put up pictures soon...was a good night...we had a our catch up session at her house after the party and ate a lot...ahah...ok ok la..
so school is pretty hectic...school work, EE, IA and CAS...seriously...IB is sucking the life out of us all...i cant wait to get my license....
life would be soooooo much easier..i can go out and hang out with friends, go home late,
over night at quan's place....how i wish..oh..i think my parents got me a mini cooper...im not being ungrateful but like wtf...when i stand next to it i look like a freaking giant ok? my dadi drove me all the way from our house to near limbang[the place they bought it from is there] the i just got to stand next to it..-.- very nice..oh...monday night was chris S's party..well let's just say a lot happened and should not be mentioned again...ehehe...
haha...went to shah with amlia and kenneth...ahaha...was so lazy ok?and damn it did not rain as i predicted it would-.- oh well..OMG when i got home i haven even stepped into my house MY PHONE DROPPED...like WTFFFFFFF...then my casing broke...condemnn liao....shit shit....sooo if anyone knows where i can get a new one...please tag me...i cannot let my baby phone get hurt yo...
sigh...next time i do a picture post la ok?ahhha...sorry yo...