Tuesday, May 27, 2008
*purple N pink~
anyway..so friday i had lunch with ermehleah[new nick name she made]wuahaha....n her cousin...haha...we had lunch at cheez-box..yummilicious man..after lunch we jalan jalan at mall and bought ermehleah her super high sexy heel...wuahaha..really they were high man..but ey still shorter than me^^ and obviously shorter than shooooo taro..then i went to ernny's place with Ngel we bought a couple of movies to watch at c.h. tenacious D and AhLong...wuahhaa...but we watched tenacious D half way then decided to watch AhLong...wakao...we laughed our asses off man..so funny...hehe..then ok ok la..i went home to watch tenacious D lo...haha..i laughed my ass off...actually i watched it before with ernny them i think.but still i kinda forgot how funny it was especially 'cock push up' ahhahahahahhahahhahahahhahhahahahha....
then sat didnt do anything so much la except for Jp with ermehleah and shoooo taro yo.....hahah...we jalan jalan-ed around and played a few rides buttttttttt OMFG NO MORE WATER LOG...SHIT F**K...the only thing i love about Jp is the water log but now...there's no point man...ok ok la..we played superkart...its ok shit man...adrenaline..woooots...ahahha...we played twice lagi...ahah...t'was funnnnn~~~ and after that i went to uncle's house where Ngel and lynnLynn was..we talked talked a lot ey...miss times we had...hehe....
sunday was awesome...went to dynasty had lunch with ermehleah,shooo taro, qiidah and aiiman...haha...[notice the double ii? *winks] anyway...then went to 'what happened in Vegas' with them and jenJen...ahha..naji was suppose to come de...buttt she didnt come...ok ok la...the movie was awesome...gonna buy the dvd...ahaha..it was really funny and very exciting...heheh....then night i join jennyBong,ahWen, ernny and piNg....wakaoooo sooo tired man....we walk walk around then go arcade play the drum thingii...it was soo funn man..hehe...it was fun to go out and have fun with the old gang again...ahah...but i was really tired...so sorry if i was pissy at the time..ahaa...
i spent yesterday at home being a piggy...ahaha..blehs...ohhhh yea...friday i started to play dota yooo...aahha....was it friday?yea i think soo..no wait....it was saturdayyyy.......ahhh....hahhaa...and yesterday i drew first blood yo...so proud...hehehe....but dont play le gua...hehee...
wow so many words yooo...ehhhee....i'll post some pictures up soon...ahhaa....
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Friday, May 23, 2008
*pix post~
raji,qidah[at the back], fauzay, aiman, jen jen, nesh, melia n shoooo taro....hahha...
we went to make the video for the autism thingii...it was a tuesday i tink..ahha....
meliaaa & me...wearing cas shirts...
najii & me hahaha..
raji, siki and natashaaaa....so cuteeee see kyeong...ahahha....tat's cos raji suddenly jumped into the pic with them...ahhaa..
shim was suppose to be behind vivian...-.-...its vivian christina naji qidahh and meliaa...
our photographer...ahaha...with his pepsi...good timing qiidahh...hahaha...
hahaha......wow....so tiresome man,...ahha...many many picccc...hehehe...til her thenn...l8r gonna go cheez box with melia..and probly see her uy her high high heels...**girl dont worry uu aint gonna be taller than uur mushroom...**ahhaha....then gonna go find ernny with angel yoo...ahhaha...mis tat girl man..ahahha..hmm...bee having exams tmr...good luckk oo....n tmr is two special girls bd yoooo,..*winks
Sunday, May 18, 2008
*4th month anibersary<3~
two speciiiis...
heheh...lovess uu lots~~ wuahah...hugys..
^^chLoee <3>quann
Saturday, May 17, 2008
*wow friday 17/5/08~
Friday, May 16, 2008
i went to sch as usually was suppose to do our eng presentation but it was postponed to thurs so yea...i was happy as a clammy?[new nickname by chris k.]...yea...and in the afternoon i went to chmsss...to watch the interschool basketball tournament...wuahaha....i wish i had joined for isb but yea....chms man....my mother school....apa kan...retarded...ahaha....anyway...so yea...ahQuan was playing so must go support support wad...so yea...they vs smsh...was ok ok la...close game man,...scaryyy...heheh....so yea...pissed at ahQuan tho...hmph apa kann...so retarded....
our tok cls we ha all the yr 12 in a clas....soooo cramped....no l....was ok ok....sat with qiidahh and chris...then omar came along--.-- yeaaaa... but was fun we did fun stuff and saw fun stuff...
yea...had our eng presentation...it sucked for me anyway...shim and amelia did great..congrats guys..ehehe...ahaah...yea.....shitty thing happen....buttt...that will remain in the minds of isb-ians...ahhha...embarrasing shit man...anyway.....me n amelia were both wearing greeenn man...omfg....it was not planned man...fate?hahahaha....apa kann..yea...and me n sho was discussing about our ''club'' which he asked me to join?...hahaha..amelia and sho knws what im talking boout....wuahaaha...took some pix of ppl in lunch...gonna upload it soon i hope..ahhaha....yea........
normall day at sch.....our business ia proposal due...was crap have to redo and type up and give in on mon...hahaha...mon is gonna b fun with amelia and sandra[winks] i know what amelia is thinking......''stupid girl''' ahahaha...i know uu too well... hahaa...wel she was pretty moody in the morning..the girl had 2 hrs of slp..-.-....hahaha...but got bette after energetic sandwich?[weird name] hahaha....no kids today...hehe...exams next wwekk....ahaha....yea....thennnn ii went to chms to watch bball....for the girls match i have no comment...ahahha....just sigh....ahaha...then ahhhQuann....that bennn....seee....smart la...jump some more....a pact of his skin on hisfinger came off...there was blood everywhere...not everywhere..but yea...lotss of blood...i took hm to the first aid station...the stupid boy instructed by the stupid nurse put alcohol on his hand...so stupid one oo...no way can b doctor liao...put on also must at least tell ppl wad....blind lagi...cannnot see ppl in pain ka?so pissed..but yea....im pretty angry at him rite now...hahah...sigh....oh yea..soas won....dono the score tho...so tmr they're playing....hahaha......yeapp......
no pixx today...lazi t upload themmm...and to ah bong...and winnie.....i support uu guysssssssssss......mis uu guys lots....huggys......
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
*sori ppl~
Sunday, May 11, 2008
*happy mami's day~
thursday wit ameliaa & shootaro..@ funbread cafe
at chms lecture halll...singing competition...haha...as fun to see everyone again...mis them lotsss.....afternoon i went to play bball with yung them then walked to ahan thai n bak...ahha....and ahQuan came oso...so happy to see him...sadly no pix were taken...damn...haha...ppl in the pix me,jennyBong,ahWen,ahJia,wiNnie,lynnLynn,gracE,Leong,ahWhai &peiLing..
these pix were from cheez box...with ernny &haouu...had dinner then we talked talked...they dota-ed and we chatted with ppl on9...[they had very ''wrong'' convo with jefri i'd repeat but its just too wrong...]hehehe....
vain in progress
this was this morning....my family n i went to emperor court...it was packed...hehe...lots of ppl there man.... from left to rite....my grandpa[ye ye] ,my grandma[ah ma] and my [dono the eng name for the word]ko po....hahha...they were late and i was done eating when they gt there...ahha....
my mum[lady o the day]love uu ma...hahah.and my dadi....hahah....veri pretty and handsome ey if i say so myself...ahaha...apa kan...ahha...i took this when they werent looking...haha....so funny their faces... my aunt brought this cake...it was chocolate n hazelnut....drool...was awesome....oni had a lil tho....diet...shit....was reali yummilicious man...arghhhh.....
anywho....today is mother's day....haha...i made my mami somethng...but i dint get a pix of it yet...aahha..so mayb tmr...ahha...now it's raining...n im gonna do some work...ahha..
to all mothers out there....
happy mother's day!!!
i love uu mum!!
Thursday, May 8, 2008
*crap day~
anyway...went to watch speed racer with those 2 ppl and was fun...not reali in the mood to blog....
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
ok...sooooo...hehe....thies few weeeks will be suckii shit man...haha..sigh...so much thingii to do.....sigh....hahaha....try to manage all the shit i guess...ahha...stressed?ok ok la...shit exams coming...die die dieeee
- business IA : need a brief presentation on 16th
- english presentation on 14th
- e.e due on friday
- 20th, 21st of may, 3rd, 4th of june....exams man...sigh...hope i can pass mannn...
on the brighter side....
- 14th, 16th and 17th..planning to go chms to watch the interschool[chms girl's team & soas team]aherm aherm** ahah...
- gonna get to see him play and spend time with him noh~~ yay-ness
- gonna have 26th to 30th holiday...hehe....
- friday amelia gonna borrow me ''romeo and juliet'' [apparently it's awesome shit] =p
haha....sooooooo...gonna d my shitty hw now..[mand, eng, personal statement,tink of e.e, maths]
Sunday, May 4, 2008
*outing todayy~
almost forgot...hahah
funny convos todayyy...
jhyhaou::ey orchard garden hotel ey...[orchid garden hotel]-.- lame haou....
[forgotten that convo]^^
angel:: so uu going back to retake ka?
angel::wat subject?
jhyhaou::dog subject..
angel::so get dog results lo...
jhyhaou::[laugh like helll]
hehehe...funny shit mann...
ok now for the good part picturressss
and lastly meeeee
hahahaha... ok ok laaa...not lots of pixxxx hehehee
see uu guys tmrr...haaahaha.... miss my hubby mann~~